Tuesday, March 18, 2008


This picture doesn't do nearly the justice of how happycontentexcited I felt at that exact moment. After being in the airport for the majority of the day, Mere and I are here in sunny San Diego, CA! I really needed a break from the frozen tundra, and some spring break love with my Mom and sister. Mom took us to Onami's - and if you aren't familiar - do yourself a favor, purchase a ticket out west, because it is SO worth it. It's a sushi BUFFET a.k.a. Heaven. Wherever we all go after we die, I hope it's a lot like this place. I literally tried twenty fresh, gourmet, sushi flavors and it was blissblissbliss wrapped up seaweed.

I LOVE Japanese food, specifically sushi. If you haven't treated yourself, learn more about this decadent food here. You only live once, better eat up!!!

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